If you have recently been accused of breaking the law in Maryland, you may be charged with a felony or a misdemeanor. Typically, a felony will carry much more serious penalties and could have a major influence on your future. However, a misdemeanor can also be troubling and should be something you consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney about. Some of the most common violations charged at the misdemeanor level in the state of Maryland include:
¥ Public intoxication
¥ Assault
¥ Open container violation
¥ Disorderly conduct
Unfortunately, far too many people believe that because these are misdemeanors and do not carry the stiff penalties associated with felonies that it is fine to try and handle their defense on their own or work with a public defender. This could be a catastrophic mistake as a misdemeanor can still have a negative implication on your future. While these charges might at first glance seem like they are not as serious, it is imperative that you take action quickly by hiring a knowledgeable Bethesda criminal defense attorney. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you can handle these charges on your own or that an experienced public defender can help you. Far too often, accused individuals realize the dangers of doing this after the fact. Not making the right choice early on could compromise your future.
In particular as it relates to a DUI you may have significant ramifications for your future and you need to at least consult with a Bethesda criminal defense attorney after you have been charged to identify appropriate defense strategies and to discuss the possible consequences for your future. Reaching out to a defense attorney as soon as possible after you have been accused is essential because the facts are still fresh in your mind and you will be able to develop a comprehensive defense strategy that protects your rights and gives you a clear expectation of what will happen as your case enters a criminal process. A knowledgeable lawyer can help to identify all possible avenues for resolution, so do not wait to get help. As soon as you have been charged, you need a lawyer’s insight.
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