Any wound can become infected, but a dog bite creates a higher risk of infection due to the amount of bacteria dogs have in their mouth. Couple this with the potential for very deep wounds due to a dog’s sharp teeth and an infection can get serious very quickly. It’s important that you’re on the lookout for signs of dog bite infection and to get medical care right away if you notice any of them. Then, it’s important to talk about compensation for your injury with an experienced attorney.
Keep an eye on your dog bite for signs of superficial infection, like redness, white drainage, and heat coming from the wound. You may be able to do some home care before seeing a doctor, such as washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide or an antibacterial wound cleanser, and dressing it with a clean bandage. However, if you can’t get into the doctor or an urgent care clinic right away, you may need to go to the emergency room.
If you see red streaks on your skin starting around the bite wound and traveling towards the center of your body, this is the sign of a potentially serious blood infection that may become fatal if not treated quickly enough. If you were bitten by a dog and you see red streaks coming from the wound, go to the emergency room as quickly as possible.
If you begin to run a fever or have chills, this could be a sign of your body dealing with a systemic infection. If this is coupled with other symptoms like lethargy or red streaking, it’s critical to get immediate medical care.
You may have visited a physician immediately after the bite and they may have discussed with you what to be aware of and potential indicators of an infection. Go over your discharge papers and be vigilant until you are well healed. If any symptoms of infection arise, seek treatment right away.
If your dog bite wound has become infected and you’ve been treated, the next step is to contact a Maryland personal injury attorney. A lawyer can help you pursue compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and the emotional impact of a dog attack.
At the Avid Injury & Criminal Defense Firm, we have experience working with clients who were severely injured by a dog. Contact us today for a consultation at (240) 561-7433.
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